What are Courtyards?

Courtyards are adaptable to your organization of VBS. You may use the Courtyards as centers within each teacher’s classroom, as stations set up throughout your facility to which the children move, or as a combination of classroom and outside stations. Make the most of your facility’s space.

Classroom Courtyards allow teachers to designate and set up areas within their rooms for specific activities such as crafts; facility Courtyards require a separate room and coordinator for the specific activities. Many churches use a combination of stations. For example, classroom teachers may direct crafts and music and separate coordinators may organize snacks and recreation. You may even wish to have Courtyards coordinators travel from room to room using a cart. Again, adapt the Courtyards to your facility and schedule.

How do they work?

As children arrive at registration, they are assigned to a Royal Leader and a permanent, age-appropriate group. Throughout the day, the Leader will direct the group to the various Courtyards within the classroom or throughout the facility. (Note: We recommend that one Leader consistently be with the same group of children in order to establish a relationship, which is so vital to discipling and sharing the gospel with children.)