“In remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.” Luke carefully recorded the words of Jesus’ mother—words she likely sung for years as she saw Jesus grow from a baby to the Savior of the world; words that proclaim how awesome it was that God was fulfilling his covenant promises through her son.
From the very first words of his Gospel, Luke says he wrote his book so Theophilus would have certainty knowing the things he had been taught. Your teens are at the age where they are forming their own opinions about the things they have been taught. They will learn over the next 13 lessons that Jesus is the long-awaited promised One, the fulfillment of God’s covenant promises, and that what the Bible says about him is true.
In the four Old Testament studies of G2R God’s Promises, students traced the unfolding of God’s amazing promises from Genesis through Malachi. They learned that when Adam and Eve hid in shame that God promised a Savior who would defeat Satan and sin, restoring his people to himself. They saw how God made covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, revealing more of his redemptive plan. They learned how terribly God’s people failed to keep the covenant. And they grasped how merciful and patient God was with his people.
Now we come to the longest book of the New Covenant. God kept his promises to send the Savior! Even if your students are familiar with the book of Luke, studying Jesus in light of the fulfillment of covenant promises will be new to them.
Here’s a glance at the 13 sessions:
- Sessions 1–4: The births of John the Baptist and Jesus, Beginning Public Ministry (Luke 1–8) — Jesus is the promised Savior who fulfills all the foreshadowing in the Old Testament.
- Sessions 5–10: Following Jesus (Luke 9–19) — Jesus foretold his death and resurrection, teaches us about our heavenly Father, and seeks and saves the lost.
- Sessions 11–13: The New Covenant (Luke 22–24) — Jesus crowns God’s covenant of grace by establishing the New Covenant in
his blood.
Remember the purpose of this course: G2R God’s Promises traces the covenant story from Genesis to Revelation. This is a different focus than G2R Bible Survey, the foundational course for preteens and younger teens, an exciting journey through every book of the Bible:
- G2R Bible Survey focuses on the who, what, where, and when of God’s plan.
- G2R God’s Promises zeroes in on the why and how.